Fish-odour syndrome is a consequence of a genetic defect associated with a failure to metabolize trimethylamine in the diet. The condition is otherwise recognized as trimethylaminuria.

Patient autonomy in clinical trial participation

Personalized medicine is not only about pharmacogenomics

Patient controlled analgesia

Contrary to common perception, too much coffee does not improve cognitive performance, and may actually degrade recall.

One of the telling features of metamphetamine abuse is the presence of a fetid chemical breath. Gross!

Difficult taking you mind off work.

Salbutamol should be used earlier rather than later.

Perhaps they might not have been so violent if they had some antipsychotics on board.

Extended release formulations tend to slow down absorption and reduce the swings in plasma concentration peaks and troughs. Theoretically this produces a more sustained and even pharmacological effect thus mitigating some of the side effects associated with high peak concentrations.

There are legal limits for blood and breath alcohol concentrations. The units are different as the former is in blood and the latter in breath. There is also a partitioning coefficient between blood and expired air.

The anti-epileptic drug phenytoin is subject to saturable metabolism through CYP2C9. As a result, concentrations rise disproportionately to any increase in dose. This makes it a challenging task to optimize the dose,... unless you are able to monitor the concentrations.

A candid shot at the Star Wars set. Suppositories are supposed to be inserted in the rectum. I don't know how often suppositories are wrongly swallowed, but the thought of it is funny.