pharmacology, textbook, referencebooks

clinical pharmacology therapeutics pharmacokinetics humour

clinical pharmacology therapeutics pharmacokinetics humour

clinical pharmacology therapeutics pharmacokinetics humour

clinical pharmacology therapeutics pharmacokinetics humour

clinical pharmacology therapeutics pharmacokinetics humour

Most people are familiar with the inhibition of CYP3A4 by grapefruit. In Asia, most are not familiar with grapefruit. Instead, thepomelo is consumed in large quantities, especially during the lunar new year festivities. The pomelo is as potent as the grapefruit in inhibiting CYP3A4.

clinical pharmacology therapeutics pharmacokinetics humour

clinical pharmacology therapeutics pharmacokinetics humour

clinical pharmacology therapeutics pharmacokinetics humour

clinical pharmacology therapeutics pharmacokinetics humour

clinical pharmacology therapeutics pharmacokinetics humour

Drug accumulation during multiple doses is a function of the dosing interval : half-life ratio.

clinical pharmacology therapeutics pharmacokinetics humour

clinical pharmacology therapeutics pharmacokinetics humour