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There was a time in Pharmacology, when acetylcholine was very topical, as were the effects of atropine. We studied the over-atropinization toxidrome by memorizing the idioms found in almost every textbookof Pharmacology : Hot as a hare, mad as a hatter, red as a beet, dry as a bone, blind as a bat..... Here is a contemporary remake of the toxidrome!

Step Approach Antihypertensive drugs

Step Approach Antihypertensive drugs

Adapted from the NICE Guidelines

Codeine dosing and CYP2D6

Codeine dosing and CYP2D6

Since the analgesic effect of codeine depends on its metabolic conversion to morphine by CYP2D6. Its clinical efficacy and dosage requirements are going to be dependent on CYP2D6 genotype.

Types of drug interactions

Types of drug interactions

A broad classification of the types of drug interactions. (Borrowed from the FDA site)

Classification of adverse events

Classification of adverse events

These are the different types of adverse events classified according to the means by which they occur.

Clinical efficacy

Clinical efficacy

Clinical efficacy is the balance between the chance of producing a therapeutic benefit and the chance of occurence of a limiting toxicity. For every drug their is an optimal zone where these are maximally separated.

Know your drugs

Know your drugs

Just as a good workman knows his tools, a good prescriber knows his drugs

Prescription Errors

Prescription Errors

Common sources of prescribing errors. Image taken from Ministry of Health publication "Medication Safety".

Error prone abbreviations

Error prone abbreviations

Common error prone prescribing abbreviations. Image taken from Ministry of Health publication "Medication Safety".

alcohol beverages - equivalents

alcohol beverages - equivalents

An figure showing approximate equivalences between different common alcoholic beverages. The basic unit is a standard can (323mL) of beer (5% v/v).

Blood alcohol concentrations

Blood alcohol concentrations

Effect of the blood alcohol concentrations on cognitive degradation

Guide to good prescribing

Guide to good prescribing

Clinical concentration-response

Clinical concentration-response

7 reasons why you find it difficult to establish a good clinical concentration-response curve.

Good therapeutics

Good therapeutics

Halflife 2

Halflife 2

5 things to remember about the half-life



Definition of pharmacovigilance

Real evidence-based medicine

Real evidence-based medicine

The conventional evidence-based medicine is flawed. Here is a proposal for a real approach towards EBM

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